Non-Traditional Methods to Solve ODEs. ODEs Have Numerous Challenges


Organizer-Chairman: Mohammad Shazri bin Shahrir
Head of Analytics and Computation
Telekom Malaysia R&D
E-mail: mshazri@gmail.com



The aim for this special session is to advanced non traditional methods for solving Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE), ODEs have a wide range of application from System Dynamic in Medicine to Computational Physics . There are many challenges in solving ODEs such as intractable analytical solution. In Non-Linear class of ODEs, traditional step-wise methods is sensitive to non-linearity ('Asymptotic Effect'). In Higher Order Degrees ODEs there will be cumulative error moving through the degree phases towards the solution. Some non-traditional methods are sensitive toward selection of types of trial function and, in effect with trial functions some methods are non-general in approach so the challenge is to investigate & discover a more general/powerful methods.


Prospective authors are encouraged to submit their work related, but not limited to, the following topics:
-intractable analytical solution
-Non-Linear ODEs: traditional step-wise methods is sensitive to non-linearlity
-Higher Degrees ODEs: Have cumulative error moving towards a solution
-some non-traditional methods is sensitive to selection of trial function and in affect are non-general in approach